you too. thanks to you at home for being here. we have breaking news tonight, in the investigation into trump s handling of top secret classified government records that wound up at the florida beach club. and the special stay of the special master ruling, judge cannon ruled that she will appoint a special master, an independent third party to review the 11,000 seized records that the fbi retrieved from trump s lome 40 days ago, and in response, the justice department be grudgingly said okay, go ahead and appoint the special master but please exclude the roughly 100 classified documents seized from mar-a-lago because we need to continue the criminal investigation of the classified documents due to special national security interests. also aal second intelligence assessment into the potential risks and harms that may have been caused byat having those t secret classified documents hanging out at trump s club, the justice department argued that thatst assessment could not c
there is not a lot of precedence for what the judge is doing. if i had these boxes here in my basement in los angeles, i would be in prison right now. in couldn t walk out with 100 documents. you know,00 we just have to be bearing in mind what we are watching there are two systems of justice in this country according to thisre judge.hi one for every american and one forev donald trump. and the idea that we even entertain a conversation for one of these lawyers to be sitting there reviewing nuclear weapon information about another country just to satisfy donald trump s desire to sow sox seeds of doubt about what the isernment is doing here that an absurd role for a judge to play. a thus far the judicial syst has acted as a check on trump s ambitions and we have a judge exclusively calling a, explicitly calling a page from the trump play book, and questioning trust of the determination of thequ departme justice. the institutional accuracy has now infected the judicial branch and we are