honored by democrats and republicans in and out of the justice department and there s some measure of due process and this is important so innocent people aren t accused of crimes without being charged and having an opportunity to defend themselveses. the support is a bunch of crap, isn t it? it is. even the bottom line results draw a conclusion get the presumption of innocence wrong and he said i cannot find enough evidence to exonerate president trump fromrump the obstruction f justice allegations. that s not his job as a a prosecutor the only job is to decide whether there is enough evidence to bring an indictment or the likelihood of conviction beyond a reasonable doubt. we presumed innocent unless we can prove otherwise. his report presumes guilt unless trump can prove otherwise. it s a fundamental altering of a very basic conceptions of justice. mark: let s play along and dig into this obstruction of justice. the media is excited about this, by the way. all of their legal schol
even after they break cycles of abuse the road to recovery runs long. i think for some victims of sex trafficking they have to get to a point where that devil they know is worst than any other devil that could be out there. many survivor who is freed themselveses from the clutches of their traffickers have gone on to devote their lives to helping others qhor in the position they once were. they know from experience that finding peace isn t easy after a life of being trafficked. it takes lifetime to heal from this. it is not a it is not a destination it s a journey, about ten years before i started working on myself. this was my childhood that s what i have to live with. i m better than i was a year ago, and i m hopeing next year i ll continue to be better an i feel like i m always going to be healing. a living hell then you can build to become a thriver and survivor to
that you know and you trust. even after they break cycles of abuse the road to recovery runs long. i think for some victims of sex trafficking they have to get to a point where that devil they know is worst than any other devil that could be out there. many survivor who is freed themselveses from the clutches of their traffickers have gone on to devote their lives to helping others qhor in the position they once were. they know from experience that finding peace isn t easy after a life of being trafficked. it takes lifetime to heal from this. it is not a it is not a destination it s a journey, about ten years before i started working on myself. this was my childhood that s what i have to live with. i m better than i was a year ago, and i m hopeing next year i ll continue to be better an i feel like i m always going to be healing. a living hell then you can build to become a
the president. the battle fieldfield is being to shift in two directions. one, it can go back to the city in the southern district. neil: can you explain to to here s when chris christie was out, he was talking about, that s the big worry. why? well, part television is good and bad for the president. the good part s all that investigation primary doesn t have to do it pump s conduct as president and because of that, going anything that comes out of that against him will have to wait until after he leaves office. the bad thing is, he doesn t really seem to have that contained. he doesn t really seem to know exactly. we don t seem ton exactly democrats what s going on there. you re seeing a lot of, i think trouble produce by the some of the sorted figure who is kind of attach themselveses to trump before he ever decided to run for office, like coen. that s the kind of stuff that s coming out now. that could be damaging but i don t think it has going to do with trump s performance of
citizens to determine themselveses who comeses in and who doesn t. so it is a matter of principle we can also say as a matter of consequences if you lose that right, the migration flows that are going to take place into the united states would absolutely crush us. you cannot have a welfare state country with open bordersstate it will destroy a country i say to myself it is really in recent times that people try to break into your country tearing the flag of the country saying where they comee from and then claim that they want asylum. and then to have people in the united states, people of prominence public official and media figures so forth excusing it well they re hungry they want a better life well this, that, okay. so somebody robs a bank because they need money to pay their mortgage that s okay. if somebody goes in a grocery store and steals bunch of steaks because they need to feed their