that you know and you trust. even after they break cycles of abuse the road to recovery runs long. >> i think for some victims of sex trafficking they have to get to a point where that devil they know is worst than any other devil that could be out there. many survivor who is freed themselveses from the clutches of their traffickers have gone on to devote their lives to helping others qhor in the position they once were. they know from experience that finding peace isn't easy after a life of being trafficked. it takes lifetime to heal from this. it is not a -- it is not a destination it's a journey, about ten years before i started working on myself. this was my childhood that's what i have to live with. i'm better than i was a year ago, and i'm hopeing next year i'll continue to be better an i feel like i'm always going to be healing. a living hell -- then you can build to become a