$4 million in compensatory damages already award at the civil trial just yesterday for those deeply harmful lies that the shooting was a hoax among many other completely false and outrageous claims. now, under texas law there are limits on punitive damages of $750,000 per plaintiff. so it seems he won t be forced to fork over quite that much yet. he s still facing two more defamation trials, and one of them is in connecticut. but it appears the jury did listen to this plea from the attorney for the sandy hook family. we ask that you send a very, very simple message. and that is stop alex jones. stop the monetization of misinformation and lies. estimated to the jury that jones may have a net worth as much $270 million but has been trying to hid his wealth with personal loans and shell companies. now, jones said at trial he faced financial ruin if there was an award of more than $2 million. more lies on top of lies, perhaps? the mother of 6-year-old jesse lewis who was kill
so from the very beginning this thing was a stench in the n nostrils of god. it never made any sense, and it took a new administration and merrick garland to finally do the right thing. but the credit goes to the mom and all the activists and others who refused to let this thing go. remember you think about the then-attorney general of the state of kentucky, daniel cameron talking about these issues of whether the grand jury was going to prosecute or whether they had charges on the officers who were there on scene as well. if you think that was just sort of in the past conversation, van, today he made these comments. i want you to listen. i think it is worth repeating again that our investigation found that mattingly and cosgrove were justified in their use of force after having been fired upon by kenneth walker. according to kentucky law the use of force by mattingly and cosgrove was justified to protect themselves.