Just when the world was starting to believe that the novel coronavirus pandemic, which claimed millions of lives globally and locked down economies for the bett
Just when the world was starting to believe that the novel coronavirus pandemic, which claimed millions of lives globally and locked down economies for the bett
highway in poor condition. as i was talking to your person, gov, also, we ll get the railroad going too. i m a rail guy. anyway, pittsburgh is a city of bridges, but too many of them are in poor condition like this bridge behind me. but we re doing something about it. this is one of 24 bridges across the country being repaired this year because of the law. for skpaem pell, the allegheny county worked under way to repair the bridges of the boulevard and the allies, not just bridges though. just outside of pittsburgh we re investing $850 million to replace and expand a 100-year-old montgomery lokshen dam. that s critical to the nation s economy. that investment is going to increase the capacity of this system, the lok, at over 50% at
Citing the recent economic and geo political developments across the world, External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar on Wednesday said that the way forward