In The Family Man 2, Manoj Bajpayee returns as Srikant Tiwari along with Priyamani Raj, Sharib Hashmi, Seema Biswas, Darshan Kumar, Sharad Kelkar, Sunny Hinduja and Shreya Dhanwanthary in pivotal roles. South actress Samantha Akkineni marks her digital debut as antagonist of the show named Raji.
The Family Man 2: Winning the Hearts: The Family Man, a web series directed by Indian director duo Raj and DK was a smashing hit. Amazon Prime produced The Family Man and right after the first season was a super hit, the plans for the sequel are announced. The Family Man 2 is now streaming on Amazon Prime.
In The Family Man 2, Manoj Bajpayee returns as Srikant Tiwari along with Priyamani Raj, Sharib Hashmi, Seema Biswas, Darshan Kumar, Sharad Kelkar, Sunny Hinduja and Shreya Dhanwanthary in pivotal roles. South actress Samantha Akkineni marks her digital debut as antagonist of the show named Raji.
Raj and DK have already locked the idea to take The Family Man franchise to the third season. After Pakistan and Sri Lanka, it's time for Srikant Tiwari to take on China. Details revealed.
Read Pinkvilla's review of Raj and DK's espionage, The Family Man 2, featuring Manoj Bajpayee and Samantha in the lead. Is it worth your time? Find out