i ll tell yo u that now. also tonight, take a look at a screen. in a minute, w youe will hear fy our very own sarah carter righth here on set, who was accosted ae by far left protesters on the streets of new york . here s a quick preview of what went down and out of here. get out of here. get out of here with this fireball. we are here in peace and love from your general liberal pea democratic psycho. anyway, we havove the full videt . thank god she s okay.ad, sh straight ahead, she lle telllll us a story, but we begin only a few blocks away where former president trump was arraigned on thirty four felony charges. now, yesterday, for allegedly mislabeling a couple of documents, basically. now, of course, these charges were cooked up and stacked by a manhattan d.a. by the name of alvin bragg. if any fansf al hervie to ful a political fantasy campaign promise, which i have a big problem with , and like many liberals, dreams of seeing donald trump in orange jumpsuit onne b
they should have seen it. have see, i contend that this se willingness started with the fbi, the russia dossier,n the moment the federal law enforcemen t got awayaway with moving forward a fake document that they knew really wasn t verified, lied to the to fisa court and really nono one one paid any price for that.e that s when this legal system became weaponized against donald trump in particular. edcertainly we know that often it s weaponizes against the average american, lega and that s why we need legal reform. so this is notrefo a surprise.p it is the natural next step, considering what we saw at the federal level with donald trump. i also think, though, thatalso t the dissenters, if you will , the resisters who don t like donald trump, especially those on the republican side, have a dutyho don t to recognize thaz their own trump hatred that made them bline trumpd to this trajectory, which many ofy, tha us projected that we saw alle those years ago, that it s reall really not dona
devogue. walk us through the decision. reporter: obamacare is going to remain in place, millions and millions of people will be able to keep their health insurance amidst this pandemic as president biden says this is a huge win for supporters of the law. here s what the court did, 7-2 decision written by justice breyer and he basically said the challengers here did not have the legal right to be in court. they didn t have the legal right to bring the challenge, that their harm was speculative. walk back a bit to remember how we got here, remember it was chief justice john roberts back in 2012, he upheld the law under the taxing power, then congress moved to bring the tax down to zero, so critics went to court and they said, look, you ve gotten rid of the legal underpinning of the law, the individual mandate is unconstitutional, and the whole thing should fall. br breyer dismissed the challenge, leaving the law in place. interesting here, the dissenters, alito and gorsuch,