Before I begin my show, I would like to add, yes this is a long card. But to be exact, it’s the literal same length as Forbidden Door last month, and that PPV absolutely banged..
howard: elon musk, who helped found artificial intelligence company that produced chat bots, now has second thoughts. he wants a sex month moratorium on the development of a.i. and i thinks it s too late for government regulation. if that s the case for a.i. and we only put in regulations after something terrible s happened, it may be actually too late. the a.i. may be in control at that point. we don t want this to be a profit-maximizing demon from hell. howard: joining us from connecticut, charlie gas freeway know gasparino. so on this demon from hell, elon musk isn t going to get his moratorium. microsoft and google are not going to go along, but what do you make of his efforts to pump the brakes on a.i.? i used to be called the demon from hell, is what i was going to say. [laughter]