all liberals have a dirty ski cap. i saw yours in the green room. it s filthy. since woodstock. i had my cleaned for you. a soul patch or irregular phasial hair. a woven pullover. show your feet. do you have mandals on tonight. going against jesus, okay. uneven facial hair. that is a serial killer. that is not a liberal. do you think that our culture today is in an upward trajectory or downward? i think it is the same stuff. one of the things you talk about in the book is celebrity names. there is a child named pilot infector. moon zappa. that was planetary and cutting edge at the time. cutting edge. now, here is the thing.
i don t want to get run over. when people read this book, what do you want them to think about you when they read the week? make it emblematic of who i am and people can take away what they want. have you become more conservative as you get older? without a doubt. i am a centrist. my son who is studying politics in high school had me take an online complicated poll. you couldn t have put me more in the middle than where i ended up. i don t know what that says about me. the one thing it says about you is that you are very wise not to talk politics with sean penn. thanks for coming in here. good to meet you. thank you, you, too. pin heads and patriots is next. tonight, featuring a woman who goes nuts in a kentucky courtroom, moments away.
continuing with the personal story segment tonight. out of control celebrity behavior. in my new book america s cultural decline from muffin tops to body shots. i point out the hilarious and signs of our edee not everyone sees us this way. certainly allan colmes. great to see you in person. the talons are retracted. i like the title of this book. all i can say is i wore the period costume just because i knew that would be the only way that you would pay attention. victorrian. you think american culture is just fine, thank you, ma am.
complex not holding him accountable. how about the white entertainment complex? everyone. and nbc. the anchors at nbc, they are great parents and good people. i m sure they wouldn t let their kids go around using this language. i guess the executives at nbc thought they are going to get 18,000 people camping out. this is why i wrote this book. i m not here too defend chris brown but i want to explain what is going on in the culture. there is two main things going on. one we make the social comparisons and do the. group and out group things and once we decide someone is in the in group we are unwilling to see what is blatant. you showed that picture of picture of what rihanna looked like. i don t think that is her, what did she do to instigate that. the blind faith that people have in the celebrities once they decide they are in the in group. is that the family allowing the filth into the ear buds.
incident and i have never seen a picture of chris brown where it showed that he had any sort of injuries that are anywhere close to this. i feel bad that this situation happened. my advice, she should have walked out the car. do you think at all that you are rewarding bad behavior by staying out here? maybe, maybe so. at least an honest answer. with us to analyze all this, a fox news contributor. and cooper lawrence, author of the book the cult of celebrityity. how appropriate today. a couple of nieds ago my collaborator and i were going down 48th street in manhattan and we thought this is weird all these people sleeping in the street and i thought my gosh the economy is bad. a line of people sleeping in the streets. i couldn t believe it. they were camping out two nights early to see chris brown. whatever you think of his