complex not holding him accountable. >> how about the white entertainment complex? everyone. and nbc. the anchors at nbc, they are great parents and good people. i'm sure they wouldn't let their kids go around using this language. i guess the executives at nbc thought they are going to get 18,000 people camping out. this is why i wrote this book. >> i'm not here too defend chris brown but i want to explain what is going on in the culture. there is two main things going on. one we make the social comparisons and do the. >> group and out group things and once we decide someone is in the in group we are unwilling to see what is blatant. you showed that picture of picture of what rihanna looked like. i don't think that is her, what did she do to instigate that. the blind faith that people have in the celebrities once they decide they are in the in group. >> is that the family allowing the filth into the ear buds.