being overly cautious? we have the author of the coming revolution joining us. good evening sir. good evening. the white house has not connected this to terrorism. i don t know why. seems pretty evident but your thoughts on that. probably the white house or the administration have not connected this to isis, that is a terrorist organization but certainly this is jihadi terrorism terrorism. that s it today, greta, in washington and across the pond into europe. as long as an act is not connected to a terrorist organization on a list it s not considered yet a terror act, which i think is a wrong thing because these lone wolves or packs of lone wolves basically are acting as inspired by or as receiving instructions general instructions by isis. you know this is what i don t get, it s just as dangerous what they do if they go in someplace and shoot up a place if they have a direct
already crossed. the president said if the red line was crossed there would be serious consequences. that statement was reiterated yesterday and said there have been serious consequences. we have increased our aid. 100,000 dead people. now what appears to be a chemical weapons attack or a c.w. use. with us from d.c. is a fox news contributor, author of the book the coming revolution, struggle for freedom in the middle east. one activist said today we re being exterminated and unless the video is some sort of widely trumped up piece of nothing, which we do not believe, that s the truth. they are being exterminated. look, the opposition of syria is under a greater threat. that s the potential use of
iraq. so it s a very interesting dynamic where we are hitting the upper level, but the lower levels are expanding and that is what we re going to see in 2012. rick: we re just about totally out of iraq. another milestone of this past year. what do you think about when you think about the war in iraq? well, bringing down saddam hussein, you have a consensus in iraq, that was good thing. us exiting without incidence, that was a good thing. the problem is, have we equipped the iraqis for what is yet to come and has been coming over the past ten days, sectarian violence, and most importantly for us, and for everybody else in the region, iranian influence penetrating iraq, i think that s what we ll see more of in 2012. more of iran in iraq. rick: before we get to your predictions for the new year, i want to ask you about the arab spring, which you actually predicted in your book, the coming revolution . how big of a story was that? all of those revolutions across the arab world.
calling the shots on american policy here. gregg: we will come back to you hopefully as things develop throughout the night. it appears to be fairly calm, but there have been isolated incidents of violence. in the last 24 hours, there have been four deaths and many more injuries. it s an absolute battle for the streets of cairo at the moment. gregg: stay in touch with us. we ll come to you as needed. for more on the turmoil in egypt we re joined by the author, the coming revolution. good to see you. hosni mubarak was forced from power military provided leadership they vowed to turn over power to civilians by september and it didn t happened.
half-hour. thanks so much. congratulations on the success of your book the coming revolution. thank you. straight ahead, our standing in the world economy now at stake if we can t solve this debt sdadisaster. what s taking so long? is it possible that the president wasn t serious about a solution in the first place? our washington insiders are up next. she took a stand to the pledge of allegiance and it could land her behind bars. should this government worker be punished for patriotism? we ll talk about it.