A federal judge in Idaho temporarily blocked a state ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors this week, just days before the law was set to take effect in the New Year.
diagnoses of the president and it strikes me as bad. there s a reason for the prohibition, a reason for the mental health professionals not to do this called the goldwater rule and you argue this is an exception to this and hay should be able to speculate on the president s mental health, why? it s not so much that i think this is an exception. it s just that the rule itself seems overly broad at this point in time. there s a rule, the goldwater rule that says psychiatrists cannot speak about a public figure s mental health, cannot offer an opinion about that. but early this year in march the american psychiatric association brought no the rule father saying they can t offer their opinions about the person s affect or their personality if it draws on knowledge or training that they might have as a psychiatrist. that seems very very broad to me and i think that that rule right now is basically depriving the
there s a reason for the prohibition, a reason for the mental health professionals not to do this called the goldwater rule and you argue this is an exception to this and hay should be able to speculate on the president s mental health, why? it s not so much that i think this is an exception. it s just that the rule itself seems overly broad at this point in time. there s a rule, the goldwater rule that says psychiatrists cannot speak about a public figure s mental health, cannot offer an opinion about that. but early this year in march the american psychiatric association brought no the rule father saying they can t offer their opinions about the person s affect or their personality if it draws on knowledge or training that they might have as a psychiatrist. that seems very very broad to me and i think that that rule right now is basically depriving the public of the knowledge and training of psychiatrists who
the judge said, you know, strike that, don t consider that to the jurors, but we can consider that. you know, i think as a society we have a right to know what s going on, and at some level, at some point we will during the appeal process. because there s an evolving standard of decency in this country when it comes to executing people with serious mental illness. clearly there s some big question about mental illness here. i see things as well, just independently as a psychologist, that i have commented on about your program previously. the american bar association, the american psychiatric association, the american psychological association and the national alliance on mental illness, all four national organizations of professionals and consumers and family caregivers agree that we should not be executing people with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia when it impairs their judgment. none of this is coming to light. clearly his attorneys think this is an issue. they gave noti
and this showed manning wearing a blond wig. but a battle is brewing over this. manning wants hormone therapy to actually change his gender while he serves his 35-year sentence. his friends say he needs it, that it s a necessity. the army says not a chance. laura mcnamara is manning s friend and also a lawyer in the trial. she also transitioned from male to female. thanks for joining us, laura. why is hormone therapy a necessity for manning? well hormone therapy is part of the recommended standards of care for treating gender disforia which is a symptom of being transgendered. and this is endorsed by the american psychological association, the american psychiatric association, the american medical association. this is an stabbed treatment and it is known to be medically necessary, without it, untreated