Reading is . hard. At some point, I joked that I don't read at all anymore, and I may have even said so to Mary Gabriel, the acclaimed writer who has set
Oh No They Didn t (ONTD) is the premier online community for breaking celebrity gossip. Want to talk about the latest scandal? Join the club. Check out today s hottest stories and enjoy the snarky commentary. ONTD is home to thousands of opinionated fans who share a passion for all things pop culture.
Sir Elton John with Man Ray’s “Noire et Blanche.” Celebrities are just like us in the sense that they have hobbies too, and some of them enjoy collecting art and a lot of it. With a wide variety of tastes ranging from Old Masters to more contemporary artists and media, these celebs can be found at…
The singer, 63, appeared on the show to plug her Madame X documentary, and left the host astounded when she soon rose from her seat and slid herself across the host s desk.