persecution. what was on the menu at the first thanksgiving. perhaps some sort of local vegetable and maybe meet, turkey i don t know. buffalo chicken, i have no idea. wild turkeys, pheasants. like wild turkey like the drink. no but that would ve made the dinner better. hard to say. turkeys, hush puppies boiled and fried. how did they fry it? when the pilgrims got here where do they land? virginia. new york. i have no idea. plymouth rock. where is plymouth rock. massachusetts. i m smart. do you know who i am.rt no. who the hell are you. i am waters and this is my
ocean blue. that was so wrong. 1860. you re close. 1487. what year around was the first thanksgiving. 1600. 1500. that was a high five. who ate together on the first thanksgiving. s is one of the shows that makes you look dumb. white people. who were the white people eating on the first thanksgiving, what were they called. the pills, the pillsbury. american fed them, american welcome them to our country. so the pilgrims died dined with the markets, the american people? yes what country did the pilgrims come from. it s been a long time since i