persecution. what was on the menu at the first thanksgiving. perhaps some sort of local vegetable and maybe meet, turkey i don t know. buffalo chicken, i have no idea. wild turkeys, pheasants. like wild turkey like the drink. no but that would ve made the dinner better. hard to say. turkeys, hush puppies boiled and fried. how did they fry it? when the pilgrims got here where do they land? virginia. new york. i have no idea. plymouth rock. where is plymouth rock. massachusetts. i m smart. do you know who i am.rt no. who the hell are you. i am waters and this is my
that it is a way to get rid of protections from religion. could that be another strategy? if anyone is a group of some sort of my rt no, then no one is a minority. i think it takes away of real instances of discrimination. i don t think the government should sort out all incidences, but it should here. if we start pea tekting protecting jedis and michael jackson impersonations, well, the law needs to be for those with a heart felt relief. the jedis don t account. i know some people who take it seriously. the more serious and intense you are, the more pre tensions you deserve. and isn t the vegan a star wars character. an interesting . it is called a light saber.