Operation Fuel, the only year-round emergency energy assistance program in the state, is pausing its program for the month of March after significant demand.
So far this program year, Operation Fuel h.
Part of teachers' genetic makeup is to give and help others, said John Andriso, president of the New London County Retired Teachers Association, which was founded in the early 1980s. Teachers are kno.
New London – The city’s housing authority has not had control of a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in almost a decade.
In 2013, the City of New London’s Housing Authority lost the ability to.
When it comes to affordable housing, some lawmakers from southeastern Connecticut are emphasizing the importance of local control as the start of the 2023 legislative session looms.
Aundre Bumgardner.
WORKSHOPS SCORE free webinar “Is Being a Virtual Assistant for You?,” presented by Belinda Sandor Wednesday, Jan. 11, noon-1:30 p.m., Zoom. For more information, contact Anne Driscoll at anne.dris.