eliminating all itemized dedekzs. mortgage interest, charity, getting rid of all of them would pay for just a 4% cut in tax rates, far below his 20% target. why should they go for a plan that experts say doesn t add up? well, craig, you know, there s that study. you heard what governor romney said. he mean as what he said. he lowered taxes 19 times in massachusetts. look at barack obama s record. he has actually raised taxes. so i think you get back to a very clear choice between who s going to raise taxes and who s not going to raise taxes. ann marie, a lot of folks have said when you start talk about cutting tax rates by 250%, a lot of folks would like to
plan. they re essentially a subsidy to help provide the plan. ryan has tweaked the plan. his latest plan is a lot more generous in terms of subsidy and how they grow over time. the $6,400 is no longer relevant. that s something the congressional office did find in the analysis of the older plan that seniors would end up paying $6,400 or more. it was an decade or more into the future. but, again, he has now change thad plan. it s a lot more generous. cbo hasn t had enough detail. hasn t been able to do enough analyst on the new plan. we could spend 30 minutes on this easily on each debate. easily. i want to thank both of you for coming on and attempting to
campaign is saying about this. but what the romney/ryan campaign says about the obama plan is they have not done anything to say where the spending would be cut, to say where they re going to be doing things to reduce the deficit, and that s going to fall on middle-class families so it s a question of philosophy here, whether you think there is enough and other things he says he ll do to cut spending in the budget to make up the money that would be lost in revenue from that 20% across the board tax cut or whether you believe that the plan that president obama is saying to say that there should be cut for middle-class taxes, extension for bush tax cuts for those making under $250,000 and not for others and that that
money should be used to make up the revenue there. lori, there was also a dispute add to whether ryan would have voted for plan that would have raised out-of-pocket cost. take a listen. who do you trust on this? a man who introduce add bill that would raise it $6,400 a year. knowing it, passing it, and romney saying that stay tiks tick was completely misleading. those are the fact, right? this is what politicians do when they don t have a record to run on. so prp says ryan s plan would have cost $6,400 more. ryan calls that completely misleading as you saw there. who s right? well, it is misleading. ryan this $6,400 claim that biden makes pertains to an older plan from ryan he had introduced to change medicare to turn it into a program where seniors in the future would pick a plan, a private plan from the a new