money should be used to make up the revenue there. >> lori, there was also a dispute add to whether ryan would have voted for plan that would have raised out-of-pocket cost. take a listen. >> who do you trust on this? a man who introduce add bill that would raise it $6,400 a year. knowing it, passing it, and romney saying -- >> that stay tiks tick was completely misleading. >> those are the fact, right? >> this is what politicians do when they don't have a record to run on. >> so prp says ryan's plan would have cost $6,400 more. ryan calls that completely misleading as you saw there. who's right? >> well, it is misleading. ryan -- this $6,400 claim that biden makes pertains to an older plan from ryan he had introduced to change medicare to turn it into a program where seniors in the future would pick a plan, a private plan from the -- a new

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