i m optimistic. i think 2023 is gonna be a goo year the public s fear i corrupted we must come together to sto the worst of humanity from happening. this happened post-world war ii, and this is another one of those moments. a drug-like effect is numbe one. you think you just on this platform interacting with your friends, reading the news, and you don t realize that these incredibly powerful systems ar delivering these dopamin boosts and changing your behavior are you trying to live with bipolar disorder or bury it? barry it. barry it, for sure denial is actually quite blissful about three to 4% of the general population has got som forte of move disorder, bipola disorder according to at least one study, and entrepreneurs, it s 7 to 1 you know they hate? when people say you re a actor. you should just go and act you shouldn t have a point o view shut up and dribble really! i m an american first. i m 76 first my profession is an actor. i m a thinking human be
depends on your mood. i m optimistic. i think 2023 is gonna be a goo year the public s fear i corrupted we must come together to sto the worst of humanity from happening. this happened post-world war ii, and this is another one of those moments. a drug-like effect is numbe one. you think you just on this platform interacting with your friends, reading the news, and you don t realize that these incredibly powerful systems ar delivering these dopamin boosts and changing your behavior are you trying to live with bipolar disorder or bury it? barry it. barry it, for sure denial is actually quite blissful about three to 4% of the general population has got som forte of move disorder, bipola disorder according to at least one study, and entrepreneurs, it s 7 to 1 you know they hate? when people say you re a actor. you should just go and act you shouldn t have a point o view shut up and dribble really! i m an american first. i m 76 first my profession is an actor.
to what will be most responsible for you. are you on social media i am. it s hard not to be. okay. so hold on all that you study for fiv years, all you just told me, but still, yeah, you like to tweet. i am on it is crazy. they have so successfull dominated our discourse, the way that we consume news, i am on it maybe 95% less than used to be, and i use it completely differently again, understanding it like a drug, it s one that hides it effects so you don t realize you are taking this drug every time you open this platform, which for most americans as couple dozen times a day and when you start to treat it like a drug, maybe only take i once or twice a day, and controlled circumstances, very carefully, which is how i us now as opposed to all the time for everything okay. but here s what s differen between social media and drugs alcohol, cigarettes. sure. they re all highl regulated. yeah. yes. that s right and it s tough to make tha shift with social media, because the
alcohol, cigarettes. sure. they re all highl regulated. yeah. yes. that s right and it s tough to make tha shift with social media, because the drug-like effect i number one, it s hidden. you think you just on this platform interacting with your friends, reading the news, and you don t realize that these incredibly powerful systems ar delivering these dopamin boosts, changing your behavior and two, because the drug-like effect changes your social behavior or is it tough becaus there s no political will to d so because of the huge lobbyin dollars of those companies right? pregnant women still lik smoking cigarettes and drinkin until the government said, her are the risks. yeah. it s true. it is a big top downshift in regulation, so the bottom up shift and cultural attitudes towards what we considered - that a lot of people went from thinking it s okay to smok when you re, for example pregnant, the thinking that yo shouldn t do that. that changed social norm around cigarettes a