transcripts, the judge appeared more skeptical of arguments made by fox thandominion. notab$y (u+q) to admit w3something. are wee1 going to the jury tha dominion committed election fraud byñi rigging thee1lplpe1 election fraud? if notion, i need to know from you whatxd evidence that you have tt dominion rigged the 2020q are you going to present any evidence6z■ offá that? the response from fox st(t( ñrl we are notx#qq#endingw3i]t( onn allegation are true.ñiznñ joining usok conversation, president of media matters,xd b first, ■iandrew, likec içójfçóñ wish i would have gone to law ì% did i get the contours of the case right? what it is fundamentally that they are trying to argue?
appear in court for an ora argument battle. as dominion has argued, it i the rare case to grant summary judgment of actual malice, but it is also the rare case wer direct evidence of actua malice exists, as it does here some legal experts agree dominion doesn t just have the upper hand, it has the truth o its side if dominion is successful, all that would be left to determin is the amount of damages tha dominion is entitled t receive. that s where the numbers becom astronomical dominion is seeking 1.6 billio dollars in lost profits an reputation will harm but it s also seeking punitive damages, which are not kep under new york law, and coul also be in the billions of dollars. punitive damages are intende to punish the wrongdoer and to deter others from repeatin that egregious conduct a multibillion dollar punitive damages verdict would not only punish fox, but it would send