take a listen to a lot o questions today from democrats and also republicans on this issue will have to continu answering. watch. i think what is important i we have a political proces which will resolve these issues the broader question is how yo resolve the issues in general? return it to the states to allow a states values to guide it is very important one judge from amarillo texas. two judges on the fift circuit. all of them trump appointed, they shouldn t be making the decision for women across th country. i do not like a distric court judge issuing a national decree even if i agree with the judge at the end of the day, we ar rule of law nation to take away the right to have medicine is an extensio of taking away the right t privacy. i think the bide administration is correct an actually fighting this in th supreme court. whether we went on, not that does not mean it is a last effort alex, i m particularl struck by those comments fro senator lindsey graham
decision to step off the judiciary committee. next week or so you re going t see senator schumer, probabl sooner rather than later putting forward the name and then the senate as it ha in the past have voted to pu this person on, unanimously. will the republicans try to block? that i sure hope not, because that is against th president of the senate and ho we run things. we should know that pfize has asked for a temporar replacement, there meantime, house republican seeking after alvin bragg and his home turf tomorrow, jim jordan will lead a so-called field hearing on crime here in new york city. i nypd commissioner with a reality check on msnbc earlier we are in a very differen place in new york city than we were at the beginning of las year we put together a hole - to address the violence wa happening on our streets and right now shootings are down homicides are down to th double digits. we know where the problems wer and we put force - and it is working. a new look at how
elected in the republica primary. through crazy gerrymandering extreme policy positions, th republicans have really create this problem for themselves. they re completely out of line with most of the america public when it comes to things like common sense measures lik expanded background checks and making sure that guns are sold to individuals, there is a background check making sure that if someon under the age of 21 wants to g and buy an ar-15, they can d it reasonable things that mos people, even republicans agree with we cannot get passed in th united states congress, becaus they republicans are beholding to the nra and again, a very extreme smal amount of the american publi votes in the primaries it is, scary and it just shows that we have to do something about crazy gerrymandering so the general election means lot more than those in the
he introduced a national abortion ban after 15 weeks, right before the last election that was viewed as a stick situation by many republicans. but when you are looking a recent polling on this issue, recent reuters poll actually show that nearly half of independents, which is such key vote for both parties, would be less likely to suppor a candidate who does favor strict abortion restrictions that republican, number 43%, it s gonna worth payin attention to here. usa i m surprised are not playin closer attention i keep asking people about this why are not looking at the numbers? i will also adls that, questio my friends thank you so, much julie and to do that we ll tal about 21 year old internationa guardsman jack to hair who i facing a detention hearing o wednesday after his arrest for allegedly leaking classified documents. his case sparking some new questions over just how closel the government is watching the people tasked with protectin
winkler said earlier, th republicans set the better tra and they stepped into anothe stuck in it. christina, barbara, always a pleasure thank you so much for joinin us throughout this hour. and thank you for making tim for us make sure to catch a man bac here on msnbc saturdays at eight, sundays at nine follow us on twitter and tikto and instagram all, at a mi msnbc. until we meet again, i m i mohyeldin in new york. have a good night. and last for weeks. it can make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. (vo) businesses nationwide are switching to verizon business internet. (woman) it s a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon.