all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in silicon valley bank is awok beg. they were one of the most woke banks lord knows what other left-wing was going on in these woke banks. the desperate right-win attempt to pass the buck o bank failure after trump signed the bil that made it possible. during the history of our country, no president has ever passed more regulation cuts. then, the 2024 hopefuls who will agree on ukraine, backing putin s position against other republicans. just because someone clai something doesn t mean i belongs to them. this is an invasion. and team trump on the defensive that he faces th possibility of an indictment this week. we are shocked that this ha gotten this far. all in starts right now good, evening from new york i m chris hayes. today we learned that both the department of justice and th security and exchang commission are investigating the collapse of silicon valley bank last week sources tell nbc news
understood as advance paymen for a geopolitical grail close to home, a vassal ukrainia state. as he argues, the cloud of controversy surrounding 2016 which can called russia, great obscure the central role that ukraine, specifically, played i vladimir putin s - for the whole thing. it s a long, complicated story it contains characters you might have a - night of thought about i years. there is manafort he has lengthy ties with kremlin link politicians i ukraine. a guy who worked for manafort, named kilimnik who is a russian asset, wh fled ukraine is in russia now. the oversimplify version of th whole thing is that kilimnik the guys are, they re th accused by, pitch manafort and by extension, the trum campaign, and audacious land grab quote, known loosely as th mariupol plan, after the strategically vital port city, it called for the creation o an autonomous republic and