grand isle they are seeing heavy oil there. it s an exxon fishing spot. people go there to enjoy and appreciate the landscape and the beauty down here. that area has been hit with tarballs the size of apples. there is a lot of oil now washing up on the pwaoefpts and big fumes that they are saying could beaches, and big plumes that could be washing up in the days ahead. jon: that is so sad to hear. rick leventhal reporting live, thanks. patti ann: high winds and waves from hurricane alex are already putting a top stop to some cleanup efforts in the gulf. the huge storm is a category 1 hurricane and it s expected to threaten as it churns through the gulf on the collision koergs with the texas-mexico coastline. janice dean is in the fox weather center. reporter: we have the threat for tornadoes as well. a tornado watch in effect for south texas. you can see the center of this storm very chloe moving large system. we are going to feel the affects