Galveston LNG Bunker Port (GLBP) has announced its lease-agreement with the City of Texas City for 140 acres of land on Shoal Point in Galveston Count.
Galveston LNG Bunker Port (GLBP) has announced a lease-agreement with the City of Texas City for 56.7 hectares of land on Shoal Point in Galveston County.
The facility will be able to provide bio- and synthetic LNG in future as well as the fossil product once the feedstock is available, CEO Jonathan Cook tells Ship & Bunker.
NextDecade Abandons Galveston Bay LNG Project Over Regulatory Issues
NextDecade Corp. has dropped plans for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal on the Texas City Ship Channel, saying the site is partially under the control of the federal government and not suitable for the project.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers advised the company that a portion of the proposed Galveston Bay LNG site is federally regulated under navigation servitude, which indirectly extends powers to the government to oversee commerce under the Constitution. Part of the site serves as an active dredged material placement area for the Texas City Ship Channel.