exactly what they re talk about. it s pretty specific although it does not affect any domestic flights here in the united states. just flights in to and states. what does it tell you about the fact that there s no specific intel about the plot? well, there doesn t have to be specific intelligence about the plot itself but there can be specific intelligence about the fact they re training people and saying this is the general tactic we re going to use. it might just be a loose plot where they say to a bunch of operatives, you guys figure out the details but this is what we want you to do. one of the reasons you re here and we moved you up to respond to this terror plot that could have happened earlier but we want to talk of something else. if i think of a terror plot i think of yemen, pakistan. we might have as many as 22 so-called villages and at least one terror camp domestically as in texas? the clarion project whom i work for, we broke this story about how a terrorist
early yesterday in pakistan s north wazirstan. the battle has been largely a faceless one. that changed this week. for the first time congress heard direct testimony from survivors of an alleged u.s. drone strike in pakistan. at a hearing organized by alan grayson. a pakistani school teacher and his 9-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son testified about the day their grandmother was killed in a u.s. drone strike in waziristan, the same location as yesterdayed strike and terrorist enclave. it happened october 24th, 2012. milan, a, a 67-year-old mid we ve was tending to her garden when she was struck and killed by a u.s. drone. her grandchildren, those