Update on cases of COVID-19 in Oak Ridge Schools
Oak Ridge Schools Superintendent Bruce Borchers has issued several letters recently to schools staff and families of students to report new COVID-19 cases.
He reported one Jefferson Middle School student and two Oak Ridge High School students tested positive, and the school system learned about both on Thursday, Jan. 14.
The JMS student was last in the school Jan. 9 and the ORHS students were last in the school Jan. 5 and Jan. 11.
On Jan. 10, Borchers reported two students, one at Oak Ridge Schools Preschool and one at JMS, who had tested positive. The Preschool student was last there Jan. 7 and the JMS student was last there Jan. 5.
COVID-19 deaths rise to 48, 44 in AC, RC
The number of active cases of COVID-19 in the Oak Ridge area continues to rise dramatically, while sadly, the number of deaths also increase.
Over the weekend, the Anderson County death toll from the novel coronavirus rose from 45 reported by the Tennessee Department of Health on Thursday, Dec. 17, to 48 reported on Sunday, Dec. 20.
The number of active cases increased from 873 on Thursday to 1,065 on Sunday.
In Roane County, the number of deaths rose from 40 on Thursday to a total of 44 on Sunday. Active cases during that same time period went from 639 Thursday to 724 Sunday.
Another death in Anderson; active cases increasing in state
The death toll thanks to COVID-19 rose by one Sunday in Anderson County for a total of 40.
Active cases of the novel coronavirus continued to rise across the state and in both Anderson and Roane counties. On Sunday, 11,352 more cases were reported on the Tennessee Department of Health website. Another 10,319 were reported on Monday. The total cases for the state were listed Monday as 464,642. Total deaths rose by 79 between Sunday’s update and the one on Monday, for a total of 5,541.
In Anderson County, the new active cases rose to 751 on Sunday and 839 on Monday, according to the Health Department website.
Four more deaths in Anderson, Roane; positive cases in schools
Friday’s update on the Tennessee Department of Health website showed three more Roane County residents and one more Anderson County resident have died of the novel coronavirus.
In addition, the number of active COVID-19 cases has jumped.
In Roane County, the website showed 39 deaths on Friday, compared with 36 on Thursday. The total of active cases on Friday were 409, compared to 344 on Thursday.
In Anderson County, Friday’s death total was 39, compared to 38 on Thursday. Active cases totaled 563 on Friday, compared to 509 on Thursday.
Oak Ridge Schools Superintendent Bruce Borchers sent a letter to students families Thursday, Dec. 10, listing information on the students and staff who the school system learned that day had tested positive.