it s about trendy sort of masculinity. ender stuties. sort of thing we see every day at the leadership institute campus for reform. west virginia announced it was hiring wikipedia to contribute no articles to the website about west virginiaian women as well as dealing with general temperature studies. the sort of trendy gender studies field that you are seeing at american universities these days. hypocritical? trend at universities across the country white wash gender. there are no differences between men and women at all? that certainly seems to be a lot of the case. you know, it goes back to that statement that the university issued saying that men were not taught properly that or had not been taught that emotional vulnerability and cooperation were key parts of human traits. but, you know, played football growing up in high school. you was taught a lot about cooperation. you don t succeed in certain endeavors if you don t cooperate. absolutely and team work. sterling, great
temperature studies. subsequent studies show a key step in his technique toerat generate a hockey stick even if random numbers are used. this was the case in the first seven panels of this chart. he used a mathematical technique that loaded all the weight of the final graph on these pines, and that s what really distorted the picture. in fact when the hockey stick is compared to another tree ring graph by the climatologist keith, the results converge sharply around 1960. it shows mann and jones struggling with what they should present to the public in the ippc report to account for the discrepancy. what are they going to do about the fact that keith s graph is going in the wrong direction and it detracts from the nice tidy story they want to tell. so in that case they chopped off theost post 1960 portion of briffa s graph. and they faced another problem like t that when they prepared a report for the world