the intelligence leaks that are going on here. how it would violate the espionage act, 18 u.s. code 798 which we will get into in more detail. tell me what is going on with these intelligence leaks which we know are illegal and is at the bigger story? it is now clear from published information that people who had authorized access to signaled intelligence under the espionage act, cryptographic intelligence, telephone intercepts, wiretaps, have given that information in violation of the law to news organizations and other parties who are not authorized to receive them. those disclosures by people who got the information lawfullyhe e crimes. they are felonies, under the espionage act. the attorney general should immediately impanel a grand jury
mind. what evidence did you ask for transcripts of these telephone intercepts, specifically with kislyak who he was communicating with? how did you determine there was no wrongdoing ? and you said you re going to aggressively pursue these leaks. we are. also a review of the intelligence community headed by steven feinberg. first of all, about that, we now have dan coats, hopefully soon, mike pompeo and james comey in position. so i hope that we ll be able to straighten that out without using anybody else. the gentleman you mentioned is a very talented man, very successful man. he s offered his services. and it s something we may take advantage of. but i don t think we ll need that at all because of the fact that, you know, i think that we re going to be able to straighten it out very easily on its own. as far as the general s
but he did something wrong with respect to the vice president, and i thought that was not acceptable. he was just doing his job. that was very normal. first, everybody got excited because they thought he did something wrong. after they thought about it, it turned out he was just doing his job. so the president said he would have probably asked flynn to contact these world leaders and talk about things like that if he thought that flynn wasn t doing it. i asked him specifically if the evidence that he weighed including transcripts of those telephone intercepts that the fbi has, which were the substance of one of the recent leaks that the president is so angry about. he wouldn t go to whether or not they actually looked at or requested the transcripts. he says based on the evidence that he saw and we don t know what that evidence was, that he was confident that general flynn didn t do anything wrong, shep. shepard: the president did take a great deal about the leaks, john. he did.
immediately impanel a grand jury and start defeating the limited number of people who have lawful access to these telephone intercepts. that number of people is quite small and they can start issuing subpoenas to those people, have them interviewed by the fbi, put them in the grand jury and i can assure you, with the reasonable prosecutor you can find out who disclosed this information by looking at their telephone records, their emails, and everything else related to how they communicate with third parties. sean: you have no doubt, felonies were committed. no doubt the intelligence community or a few members within the intelligence community have done this on purpose, on numerous times, conversations with mexico, australia for example and in this particular case. you think it will be fairly easy to discover who it was?
wrongdoing in your mind, what evidence was weighed? did you ask for transcripts of these telephone intercepts with russian officials, particularly the ambassador he was communicating with, what evidence did you way to determine there was no wrongdoing? further to that, sir, you ve set on a couple occasions this morning you re going to aggressively pursue the source of these leaks. can we ask what you are going to do, and also we heard about a review of the intelligence community headed up by steven feinberg, what can you tell us about that? president trump: first of all, about that. we now have dan coats hopefully soon, mike pompeo and james comey and they are in position, so i hope we will be able to straighten that out without using anybody else. the person you mentioned is very talented and very successful, and he has offered his services. it is something we may take advantage of, but i do not think we will need that at all because of the fact that i think that we are going to be