wrongdoing in your mind, what evidence was weighed? did you ask for transcripts of these telephone intercepts with russian officials, particularly the ambassador he was communicating with, what evidence did you way to determine there was no wrongdoing? further to that, sir, you've set on a couple occasions this morning you're going to aggressively pursue the source of these leaks. can we ask what you are going to do, and also we heard about a review of the intelligence community headed up by steven feinberg, what can you tell us about that? >> president trump: first of all, about that. we now have dan coats hopefully soon, mike pompeo and james comey and they are in position, so i hope we will be able to straighten that out without using anybody else. the person you mentioned is very talented and very successful, and he has offered his services. it is something we may take advantage of, but i do not think we will need that at all because of the fact that i think that we are going to be able to straighten it out very easily on its own.