Telangana's Mrinal Kutteri, Delhi's Tanmay Gupta and Maharashtra's Karthika G Nair shared the top rank scoring full marks. The NTA has also released the final answer key along with the results.
Gupta from Jammu along with Telangana's Mrinal Kutteri and Maharashtra's Karthika G Nair shared the top rank by scoring the perfect 720 out of 720 in the medical entrance exam NEET-UG, whose results were announced on Monda
JAMMU, Nov 2: Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday congratulated NEET topper Tanmay Gupta for his historic feat as relatives and friends of the 18-year-old boy thronged his Gandhi Nagar residence to celebrate his achievement. Gupta from Jammu along with Telangana’s Mrinal Kutteri and Maharashtra’s Karthika G Nair shared the top rank by scoring the perfect 720 out of 720 in medical entrance exam NEET-UG, whose results were announced on Monday. “Congratulations to Tanmay Gupta from Jammu […]
The NEET 2021 results show Telangana s Mrinal Kutteri, Delhi s Tanmay Gupta and Maharashtra s Karthika G Nair shared the top rank, scoring 720 out of 720.