Pan-India celebrations marked the Jan Jatiya Gaurav Divas on 15th November 2023 to pay tributes to Bhagwan Birsa Munda on his birth anniversary. The day is also dedicated to the memory of brave tribal freedom fighters so that coming generations could
Birsa Munda Birth Anniversary 2023: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will today launch the 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra' from Ulihatu village in Jharkhand, making him the first sitting Prime Minister to visit the birthplace of this tribal icon.
On completion of his three-year tenure, the Vice Chancellor of Birsa Agricultural University (BAU), Dr Omkar Nath Singh, was given an emotional farewell by various units and officials of the university on Monday.
Senior officials of the university discussed his human qualities, administrative
Small agricultural equipment were distributed among 150 tribal farmers by Birsa Agriculture University (BAU) at freedom fighter Telanga Khadia’s village - Murgu, district- Gumla of Jharkhand, with the aim of social and economic upliftment of farmers of villages of Jharkhand martyrs and