a couple of days. why are the gaps suddenly opened? you had three months ago an agreement in switzerland that was supposed to provide a stepping stone to the final agreement right now. what happened in the past week the supreme leader of iran declared a new set of red lines for iran which rolled back the agreement. the agreement which said atomic international agency the nuclear watch dog would have access to sites in iran to verify the deal. the supreme leader in iran said that is not on. he said he did not agree to the limits on the iran nuclear research and development part of the deal and issues about sanctions. he wants them lifted immediately. all of these were things that were understood as part of the negotiations three months ago. that is part of the gaps. the foreign minister went back to tehran last night.
the euro. something no country has ever done. for the latest on the efforts to keep that from happening, let s turn to isa suarez live on the ground for us. what are officials doing to prevent the collapse of the economy and exit from the euro at this point? reporter: good morning, christine. we heard from the chief last night. it was three minutes or so. he asked for composure and patience saying the government was doing all it could in their power to make sure the money kept flowing. he paid pensions are secure and deposits are safe. that s what he said. as we note those controls have been put in place. the european central bank said it would knowno longer provide that to banks. that means the capital controls