nuclear prospects as project amad. this is an original iranian blue print much fordow and iran continued to build years after project amaddeneded and this is what it looks like. that s the entrance and it goes under a mountain. you will also not be surprised iran insisted on keeping fordow and amazingly the nuclear deal enabled them to do it. but this came with a hitch. iran was required by the iea to come clean by the nuclear deal, to come clean to the international atomic energy agency about the nuclear program. this was a condition for implementing the nuclear deal.
all vetted and verified by the united states; what do you think of that? bret: obviously the intelligence community has worked with the israelis and this would be part of the intel outside of the iaea process and trying to see if iran is living up not only to the letter of the law but the spirit of the law in a nuclear deal. they spoke about the specifics of the iranian deal that they believe in this administration and other elements should have been put in there to begin with. they don t believe, talking to people inside of the administration that iran deal is strong enough as is to hold iran s feet to the fire and prevent them from making a nuclear weapon in the long run. melissa: bret baier, thank you so much and we ll see you at
amad. and aimed at a development of a nuclear device and this is another document from the archives and it was a master plan of project amad. iran said to the iaea, no work was conducted with multipoint initiation. this scientific terminology is something that is necessary to understand the production of nuclear weapons. this is what they say. no work has been conducted with mpi technology in hem fearical geometry. this is it a fabrication. iran conducted extense itch work with mpi. hundreds of documents prove. it and iran said to the agency, that it had not expected works designed for a nuclear device.
east and working on missile capability and eventually we have guaranteed them to be able to get a nuclear bomb. you can see the p.mlaying out why. melissa: in the international community who will accept those documents and who will address that? the prime minister said the americans looked at them. and i wonder who that will not be enough for? and in the atomic energy agency they will have to look at them. they should let them do it and let the countries do it. obviously the ia ea doesn t have
states, the right thing for israel. and the right thing for the peace of the world. [speaking hebrew] [speaking hebrew] melissa: let s bring back in anchor of special report bret baier. bret, he laid out the evidence they had. hundreds of thousanded of file and outlining all of the detail and existence of the amad program that was a program to build nuclear weapon and explaining that they lied about the existence of the program and ever trying to get a woman and lied to the atomic energy agency and they were supposed to come clean about the plans and at that point, they denied the