ask, don t tell, and now the string of teen suicides. it s almost sanctioned to bully gay people and treat them as second-class citizens. and i get very nervous when the parents of these so-called bullies defend them saying, oh, kids will be kids. when you find out that the teen suicide rate is four times higher for a gay person. think about how tragic suicide is, period. but why would you want to make it four times higher? and for what? these kids are just being themselves. so i think a lot of the so-called religious leaders play into it and the politicians certainly aren t doing enough. there s a lot of very right-wing conservative people that absolutely sanction this behavior. and there s a lot you can do to finally put a stop to it. larry: you re not saying that this religious person would say it s okay to bully a gay person. they may say really? have you talked to jim demint today? larry: woe say it s okay to bully someone? he doesn t think there should be gay teachers.
right to you. first though, controversial comments from the afghan president harmid karzai. you have heard about this? he is now saying he will join the taliban if the united states does not change its ways. we will tell you exactly what the afghan president meant by this and we ll hear the response from d.c. and bullies beware. we ll show you how folks are fighting back in the wake of teen suicides. i will never be able to do anything about the boy who drove jeff to his death. but what meaning does jeff s life have if it s not to change the law that looks the other way and allows someone to do this to my precious little boy? shepard: that s an interview conducted today by our own jonathan hunt. he is live in florida today as we cover the other side of the bullying story. and he s chatting online with viewers right now. it s a special fox report chat. log on to