The Grammy Award winning entertainer died at 88 and survivors suggested memorials be donated to the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra where he played as a teen.
Christmas will be the 111th anniversary of Theodore Sanders Stern s birth. Universally known as "Ted," Stern was one of the most consequential figures in creating today’s Charleston.
d stern added. zeldin isn t even hiding the anti-semitism anymore. congressman lee zeldin, republican candidate for governor of new york , joins us now to respond to congressman, i believe you are running to be the first jewish governor in new york history. is that right? new yorkry, well, the first jewh republican . you remember that spitzer guy that didn t work out so well? a few a few governors ago. and , you know, it s important. to point out that governor de santos is somebody who has oflong record ofe strengthening relationships with the jewish community, fighting anti-semitism, strengtheninge u.s. the u.s. israel relationship, fighting the iran nuclear coal , and for myself, when i first got to congress, i was to aonly jewish republican , currently one of two.nd and i ve been activee in in thee efforts building a relationshiph with the jewish community. soe , you know, it s it s reallt ignorant to be trying to attacka ron and i . but they re getting desperate. yeah, well, i me
he thinks everyone should like it, aren t you tired of all this? by now? we have real policies that arema working all over americaicians and the real politicians who are willing to fight for the average person, even if that means taking on the newat s york times, we should be listening to them, not watching obama s nostalgia tour for the days when americans actually trusted the system. joining me now is charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. charlie,charlie, i think they t the magic of obama somehow can help them limp across the finish line next tuesday. anur thoughts tonight? well, i guess,d you know, they think that and they re probably right about this. the magic of obama is certainly better than the alternative, that being joe biden, whichh is a total disaster. but the other thin disasg the or thing, watching these clips that i m reminded of is that the trump revolution has just