Church decline, like low tide, leaves the sun to bleach out the traditional religious depth of American culture. Wildcat digital media hawking competive worldviews that include missionary atheism has dried up the Christian Weltanschauung. What is the way forward for the gospel? Is it time to pray? Is it time to act? We're at low tide for America's churches. What next?
Heaven is God's promise which we can understand only symbolically in terms of (1) the ecstasy of worship; (2) the beatific vision or visio Dei; (3) Paradise as a garden; or the kingdom of God as (4) the New Jerusalem. Rather than a return to the Garden of Eden, heaven comes to us as God's future fulfillment of all creation. Heaven is God's future for all creation
Should we be praying for a miracle? Yes, answers distinguished scientist and cancer specialist Paul Lange. Freak healings occur. Freak healings do not yet have a scientific explanation. So, we should ask God if it be God's will to provide us with a freak healing. Praying for a miracle? Yes, says Paul Lange.