So lets do this, people. Welcome to the daily social distancing show. From trevors couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. Trevor lets kick things off by talking about some of the stories that we cant really spend time on today because donald trump still has covid 19. For example, gay people taking over the proud boys hashtag with photos of themselves showing off their gay pride. I dont care what anyone says, this is great. Im glad the internet is doing more troll white supremacist challenges and less eat something that causes diarrhea challenges. This is tells how coronavirus can linger in the air after the person leaves the room, like a fart, but is actually silent but deadly. Mike pence is refusing to stand behind plexiglass at his debate with Kamala Harris tomorrow. Blows my mind. Forget plexiglass. After what weve seen at the white house this week the only place pence should be allowed to debate is ins
Institutions act, which is s. 3947. This has to do with an action that we took as bipartisan colleagues, a most important action in march, passing the cares act. The cares act included 13. 9 million for a Higher Education emergency relief for institutions to directly support students facing urgent needs related to this pandemic and also to support the institutions as they cope with the effects of covid19. From this amount about 12. 5 billion was provided to all institutions of Higher Education and they had to use half the funds for the students and half the funds for institutional expenses and needs. Congress was very careful in crafting this bipartisan resolution so that the institutions could make their own decisions about how to use and and reward those funds, both to students and how to use them for institutions. Unfortunately, the department of education is not following congressional intent and is including additional resphrikses and restrictions and conditions that congress did
Lawmakers are expected to work on the 2021 policy bill, a vote to advance the measure scheduled for 1 30 p. M. Eastern. Now, live to the senate floor on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will open the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Our father in heaven, we sing of your steadfast love and proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. Make us one nation, truly wise, with righteousness exalting us in due season. Today, inspire our lawmakers to walk in the light of your countenance. Abide with them so that your wisdom will influence each decision they make. Keep them from evil so that they will not be brought to grief, enabling them to avoid the pitfalls that lead to ruin. Empower them to glorify you in all they think, say, and do. We pray in your holy name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the repu
He spoke at an event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center. Hello, everybody i hope you can hear me. My name is dan glickman. Michael moderator and former secretary my coat moderator and former secretary. We welcome you to this Bipartisan Policy Center food summit. We want to thank you all for being here. We want to thank our guests and secretary perdue who we will introduce in a minute. This has become one of the most talked about issues of the whole covid19 issues. Have to relate to the food supply from production to the processing to the distributing to the conception and how it affects farmers, how it affects processors and how it affects the average persons and the hungry. We are delighted to be here. We cannot delve into every issue because of the time but it is a way to start the discussion. We think you will have an interesting time listening to this very important issue about feeding this country. I would like to welcome everybody and thank you policy center for hosting this
Many people think we are approaching the highest percentage of unemployed its the great depression. Needore than ever, people to know that americans are working for them. In a world where is no longer safe to be within six feet of each other, Congress Needs to learn how to adapt. It is not the first time we have had to ensure the continuity of congress. With the Nuclear Threat during the cold war, the u. S. Government constructed a large bunker for congress. We would be required to meet outside of washington. This may either first time in the modern area where there is not a physical meeting location at risk, but rather elected officials themselves and others we would be in contact with. We are a subcommittee of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, which has jurisdiction over congressional organizations. Its important we look at this issue on how to govern during these sorts of times. From that perspective, while we wait for guidance on how to conduct more formal h