BSE's Sensex dropped 139.58 points, or 0.21 per cent, to end at 65,655.15. NSE's Nifty50 shed 37.80 points, or 0.19 per cent, to end the day at 19,694 for the day.
HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, RIL, Bajaj Finance and Coal India were most active on NSE today, in terms of value. Tata Steel and ONGC were the other buzzing stocks on the platform, in terms of volume.
Stocks such as HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, RIL, SBI and Axis Bank were most active on NSE today, in terms of value. Tata Steel and BPCL were the other buzzing stock on the platform, in terms of volume.
Foreign institutional investors offloaded shares worth Rs 12.43 crore, while domestic institutional investors bought Rs 402.69 crore worth of stocks on November 3, provisional data from the National Stock Exchange showed.