BSE Sensex gained 240.36 points, 0.38 per cent, to end the day at 62,787.47, while NSE's Nifty50 rose 59.75 points, or 0.32 per cent, to end the day at 18,593.85 for the day.
BSE Sensex dropped 193.70 points, or 0.31 per cent, to settle at 62,428.54, while NSE's Nifty50 declined 46.65 points, or 0.25 per cent, to end the session at 18,487.75 for the day.
Stock market today: Sensex closed with a loss of 347 points, or 0.55 per cent, at 62,622.24 while the Nifty ended the day at 18,534.40, down 99 points, or 0.53 per cent.
BSE Sensex settled 208.01 points, or 0.34 per cent lower, at 61,773.78, while NSE's Nifty50 dropped 62.60 points, or 0.34 per cent, to end the day at 18,285.40 levels for the day.