BITS Pilani has won the Sathi project and received a grant of Rs 60 crore. It will establish advanced research facilities and a sophisticated instrument facility in Pilani, promoting innovation, excellence, and industry collaborations. The institute aims to achieve Rs 200 crore per year in sponsored research funding by 2026.
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh today said, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) should continue to ho
New Delhi: Ashoka University and IIT Delhi have entered into an agreement to establish “Ashoka University-IITD Collaborative Research Platform”. The platform will undertake joint activities on academic research and human resource development, which will have a great economic and social impact on the society.
Ashoka University and IIT Delhi will contribute matching funds to support collaborative and interdisciplinary education and research initiatives through a joint call for proposals, for the development of collaborative activities that will lead to impactful research outcomes.
Proposals will be invited for joint research projects in interdisciplinary areas such as air pollution, sustainable mobility. AMR/MDR infectious bacteria, epidemiology, immunology, Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning in healthcare, economic data, socio-economic, gender inequality and policy issues among others.