Cork and a member of the Royal Irish Academy his latest book is churchill and stalin comrades in arms during the 2nd world war right gentlemen crosstalk roles in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want the house appreciate it or i let me 1st go to demon here in moscow you know d. M. A. Here we go again this is almost like our tradition with our calling jeffrey we do this every single year commemorating victory in europe over fascism and for every single year that we do it we find ourselves in more and more in a revisionist mode here i mean as i understand as were sitting down doing our chat right now is that facebook has banned a colorized version of the of the soviet banner over europe on the very very iconic one of showing victory in europe and you know ive searched around its a true story i mean what in the world is going on here the black and white version seems to be except for the color one. Not are there different meanings or is this a revision and sell and why in the
Aaron owe control and teach at university of texas in austin. Im pleased to share this panel today on the deep state. Joining me here to talk about this quite important topic are three fantastic historians all of whom study politics and power in American History. Professor beverly gauge of yale. And balker of duke and p professor allen of Northwestern University. Im going to set the stage with four or five minutes of introductory remarks and then introduce each panelist individually before they speak 15, 20 minutes apiece and then well open the floor to discussion in this roundtable. Were here today to talk about the ore ethic origins and effects of what we call the deep state. This is not really new. Today we call it the deep state, in earlier eras activists spoke about the washington establishment, the power elite, the system, and even the military Industrial Complex. Even though those terms varied throughout the ages they usually share a lot in comment so the arguments that typicall
In my travels around the world, i have often observed how a hand outstretched in friendship, a heart full of goodwill can do more to win the affection and support of people than all of the guns in our arsenal. The program you are about to see demonstrates this. It is a story of american doctors fighting disease in distant, remote regions of the world. Helping fellow human beings to a better life. Through their humane work, they are making a positive contribution to the structure of peace. Of course, there are other ways to strengthen the bonds of friendship throughout the world. By helping other nations to improve their agriculture, their commerce and their industries. For example, our people can create a beneficial climate for greater international understanding. And this is so essential to all our hopes for world peace. Because our doctors abroad so bolster these hopes, we can regard their work as that of unofficial american ambassadors. And at a time when we hear much of mans inhuma
With weapons and our search for security and peace, this Program Documents the powers some of us often overlook. It is the forceful good that lies in the basic brotherhood of man. In my travels, i have often observed have a hand outstretched in friendship, a heart full of goodwill can do more to win the affectionate support of people than all the guns in our arsenal. The program you are about to see demonstrates this. It is the story of american doctors fighting disease in distant, remote regions of the world, helping fellow human beings towards a better life through their humane work, they are making a positive contribution to the structure of peace. Of course, there are other ways to strengthen the bonds of friendship throughout the world, by helping other nations to improve their agriculture, commerce and industry. For example, our people can create a beneficial climate where greater International Understanding takes place. And this is so essential to all our hopes for world peace.
With weapons and our search for security and peace, this Program Documents a power some of us often overlook. It is the force for good that lies in the basic brotherhood of man. In my travels around the world, i have often observed how a hand outstretched in friendship, a heart full of goodwill can do more to win the affection and support of people than all of the guns in our arsenal. The program you are about to see demonstrates this. It is a story of american doctors fighting disease in distant remote regions of the , world. Helping fellow human beings to a better life. Through their humane work, they are making a positive contribution to the structure of peace. Of course, there are other ways to strengthen the bonds of friendship throughout the world. By helping other nations to improve their agriculture, their commerce and their industries. For example, our people can create a beneficial climate for greater international understanding. And this is so essential to all our hopes for