Kumkum Bhagya was once a popular show with high ratings but off late the ratings seem to have dipped a bit and the makers reportedly approached actress Sriti Jha to re-enter | Tellychakkar.com
Ranbir and Prachi’s chemistry is as-always magical on the screen and the fans cannot wait to see how they fall back in love and reunite as currently Kaya is creating troubles in their love story. | Tellychakkar.com
Fans are in awe of the chemistry between the lead couple Prachi and Ranbir played by Mugdha Chaphekar and Krishna Kaul respectively. Tina Ann Philip aka Rhea plays a gray character. | Tellychakkar.com
Prachi meets Khushi as she saves Khushi on the road while crossing the road. As Khushi touches Prachi’s hand, Prachi feels a familiarity. Later, when Prachi hugs Khushi, Khushi feels warmth and comfort. | Tellychakkar.com