Kajol will be seen in Kumkum Bhagya’s upcoming track which will bring some twists and turns in the storyline and will be advising Prachi about her relationship with Ranbir. | Tellychakkar.com
Kushagra Nautiyal plays the role of Siddharth. Kushagra is known for Bloodywood – Yaad. He is loved for his performance and character on Kumkum Bhagya. Tellychakkar recently got in touch with Kushagra and got to know interesting insights. | Tellychakkar.com
Fans are in awe of the chemistry between the lead couple Prachi and Ranbir, played by Mugdha Chapekar and Krishna Kaul respectively. Tina Ann Philip aka Rhea plays a grey character. | Tellychakkar.com
Kushagra Nautiyal plays the role of Siddharth. Kushagra is known for Bloodywood – Yaad. He is loved for his performance and character on Kumkum Bhagya. Tellychakkar recently got in touch with Kushagra and got to know interesting insights. | Tellychakkar.com
In the show, Tina aka Rhea is always seen craving for Ranbir’s love. The fans of the show witness her struggling to get Ranbir with all the evil plans she plots with Aliya aka Reyhna Pandit. | Tellychakkar.com