Sitharaman said that around 70 of more than 100 income tax deductions and exemptions have been removed in a bid to simplify tax system and lower tax rates.
Cunoscutul critic literar Alex Ștefănescu a reacționat recent cu multă ironie la adresa guvernanților și a modului în care aceștia se gândesc la tot felul [.]
Budget 2021: How Budget 2020 changed Income Tax filing in India
Budget 2020 was also the longest budget speech by any finance minister that lasted for 160 minutes. January 29, 2021 / 09:21 AM IST
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in budget 2020 had announced the launch of a new personal income tax regime which can help the middle-class save taxes and also scrapped dividend distribution tax (DDT) with a slew of measures to boost the Indian economy suffering from a slowdown.
Budget 2020 was also the longest budget speech by any finance minister that lasted for 160 minutes.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government intends to remove all income tax exemptions in the long-run.
nobody needs nato more than france. that s a dangerous statement for him to make. what will it take to lift the tariffs on these ideas? i m not in love with those companies. those are american companies. if france will put the tax on, out of the blue, i m not going to let people take advantage of american companies. if anyone is going to take advantage of the american companies, it will be us. it s not going to be france. we re taxing their wines. we have a tax on air bus.