the red cross says 48 people were shot and hacked to death as attackers went door-to-door in a small coastal town. it happened as many residents were watching the world cup on tv. as sergeant bowe bergdahl continues to recover in a texas military hospital, the army has appointed an unnamed two star general to investigate the disappearance. it s thought he was captured after he left his post. the departure brought accusations of desertion from some soldiers who served with bergdahl. answers from the irs for losing lois lerner s e-mails. the agency notified congress friday that it couldn t recover lerner s mails from january 2009 to april 2011 because of a computer crash. she is the central figure in flagging tea party tax exemption
the fbi continuing that we now have a leak from somebody saying it s going to end up with nothing. no doubt. especially since many a little the fbi was dragging its heels to start the investigation. now to say, we re done. no criminal charges. here is part of the quote, though. they found no evidence of political bias or enemy hunting that would amount to a violation of criminal law. instead what emerged was mismanaged beaurocracy enforcing rules about tax exemption applications it didn t understand. what? look, we know this. we know that a vast number of conservative groups were targeted by irs officials for inappropriate treatment. delays, denials, inappropriate treatment and a handful of liberal groups subjected to what appears to be normal, ordinary routine review of these kind of groups. we know we got several different stories about this. a couple of people in cincinnati. then turned out a bunch of
and patriot and other red blooded flag waving conservative words in their names during their mission statements. inspector general george was asked this point blank. did you find any evidence of political motivation in the selection of the tax exemption applications? we did not, sir. but most interesting, perhaps, was this. from miller who offered up his contrition on what must have been the longest day in his professional life. i want to apologize on behalf of the internal revenue service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided. we provided horrible customer service here. i will admit that. we did. horrible customer service. whether it was politically motivated or not is a very different question. just bad customer service like a cell phone or cable company, except you are never
page 7 of the i.t. report statsz, all of the individuals stated the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside of the irs. is that correct? that is the information we received, correct, sir. did you find any evidence of political motivation in the selection of the tax exemption applications? we did not, sir. mr. miller, during your review of this matter, you indicated when you started it, did you find any evidence of political motivation on the part of employees involved in processing the applications at issue? we did not, sir. if we could put on the screen the organizational chart, is that possible from the report?
serves the american people fairly and efficiently. what is now completely clear is that the management and oversight of the agency s handling of tax exemption applications have completely failed the american people. i emphasize that. as we know from the inspector general s audit, the agency used totally inappropriate criteria in its review of tax exemption applications singling out organizations for review based on their name or political views, rather than their actual activitis. these criteria changed four times over two years with little management review or oversight. applications sat for years. work stopped for 13 months while one department waited