Prime Minister Narendra Modi will distribute about 71,000 appointment letters to newly inducted recruits today via video conferencing. The Rozgar Mela will be held at 45 locations across the country. Rozgar Mela 2023: PM Narendra Modi to Distribute 71,000 Appointment Letters to Recruits Today via Video Conferencing.
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will distribute about 71,000 appointment letters to newly inducted recruits on May 16 at 45 locations across the country. The Prime Minister will distribute letters under the Rozgar Mela initiative, launched by the government in October last year. This would also commemorate the day when the BJP-led National Democratic
PM Rozgar Mela to be conducted today. A total of 71,000 new recruits will be getting their appointment letters today. Prime Minister Rozgar Mela will be held at 45 locations across the country. , Education News, Times Now
According to the announcement, recruitment efforts are being conducted by state governments and UTs that are supporting this programme as well as departments of the central government.