LAS VEGA (KLAS) – Golden shovels broke ground three years ago on a $50 million Henderson development, which now sits empty. The Watermark is planned to open in Downtown Henderson directly across from Henderson City Hall, but delays and concerns from business owners have spurred questions about what the property owners, Strada Development Group, will do next. According […]
Street Talk: The rain clouds themselves seemed particularly sly and malicious this summer, waiting to pounce on you and your plans like a cat on a field mouse.
From stores to restaurants, bars to coffeeshops, old and new businesses alike have big ambitions and optimistic goals for what Water Street could look like in the next decade.
St. Mary’s Tattoo Emporium recently reopened under new co-owners Mary Geraldine and Steven Busey. Geraldine and Busey worked for the shop’s previous owner, Margaret Moose, for seven and five years, respectively.
Jester masks stare down from the corners of the room at customers entering St. Mary’s Tattoo Emporium in Newton. The walls are covered in bizarre sideshow décor, and the open