people around the country drinking this stuff? and believing it. so having people forget me that the fbi committed treason is a bad place for this country to be. we all need that institution. and it is a fundamentally good institution. do you think that trump and barr respect the fbi? or when you hear their comments on a day like today, do you think that trump has achieved he has said outve loud in intervie he would like to achieve which is to use them as his political instruments? he is never going to be able tooi use the fbi as his politic instrument which is why he continues to try to burn it down. they are thinking about the president s political fortunes and hises future. so they are willing to say what needs to be said. that s not the way the fbi is. if barr read the i.g. report that you read and that we ve been poring through here and came out and said i don t see the predication for the investigation that horowitz
do you see the fact that an investigation wasn t opened ints the president s conduct as being tied to any of the phenomena we have been talking about, the a.g., the fact that 40% of the country won t believe anything bad about this president. do you see all theset factors interconnected at this point? i do, but i can t say that i connect the decision not to open aot case on ukraine because i don t know enough about their decisionmaking. i m deeply skeptical of this attorney general. but i don t know enough about whot decided what inside the department. let me reade something that you write about the attorney general today. as a leader of an institution that s supposed to be devoted to truth, barr needs to stop acting like a trump s spokesperson, in the words of the nation s founders the justice department s t inspector genera has let facts be submitted to a candid world. the fbi fulfilled its mission protecting the american people andil upholding the constitutio. and those who atta
and so flimsy, the democrats have had to turn our bill of rights on its head in order to make it. they ve argued that hearsay evidence, better known as gossip, is better than direct testimony. they ve argued that the burden of proof rests with the accused toh prove his innocence. while at the same time, denying the defense witnesses permission to testify. they ve argued that the right to confront yourri accuser is an invasion of the accuser s they ve argued that appealing to the courts to defend your constitutional rights, as the president has done, is ip ipso facto obstruction and evidence of guilt. and they ve argued that a crime is not necessary to impeach. only impure motives in performing otherwise lawful acts. motives of course to be defined entirely by the accusers.
complete and accurate. it shows no quid pro quo, no conditionality. that s number one. number two, there was no pressure. both zelensky and trump have said thatsk repeatedly. president zelensky said that at theky united nations on septemb 25th. he said it in subsequent news articles oneq october 6th and october 10th and december 1st. number three the ukrainians and zelensky did not know about the pause in aid at the very least at the time of the call. and number four, no investigations were announced. the aid was released. and the white house, you know, afforded a meeting. president trump met with zelensky in new york. do you findne it amazing tha the majority is one of their key prongs of this whole thing is that they re making the elected leader of the ukraine out to be a liar? um. because he s done it on many, many b occasions since then. undoubtedly they believe him noe to beub truthful. doesn t that strike you as a little strange, especially in
obediently follow the speaker s orders. as the red queen declared, sentence first, verdict afterwards. we can only pray the senate still adheres to the judicial principles of our founders. and if they do, perhaps then we can begin repairing the damage thatg this travesty has done t our democracy, our institutions, our principles of justice, our constitution, and our country. gentleman yields back. framers feared a president might corrupt our elections by dragging foreign powers into our politics in order to promote the personal, political ambitions of the president above the rule of the national security. the framers set against a potential tyrant s boundless thirst for power. the people s representatives here s in congress and the people s own democratic