garkhun villager tashi namgyal’s report served as the first detection of the well-planned intrusion by the pakistan army in kargil sector in 1999. similar tips from the locals in other areas, proved to be the tip of the iceberg. gradually, it became evident that pakistan had resorted to another military misadventure. after having failed in 1947-48, 1965, and 1971 in severing the link between srinagar and leh via drass-kargil axis, an ‘ugly stability’ prevailed in kargil sector for a long time. however, it d
may 2, 1999 was an usual day in the life of tashi namgyal, around 35-years-old shepherd from village garkhun (also spelt as garkone) in the aryan valley near the batalik ranges in ladakh. as his yaks did not return even after being long gone, he started searching for them. “i had bought one of the yaks just 10 days ago. how could i let it be lost? so, i started looking for it through binoculars,” recalls tashi namgyal, who is now around 60 years old, sitting on the upper floor of his house in garkhun. while
In the coming together of the multiple spokes of the wheel of Ladakhi culture, I found hope. Hope, seeing people still carrying remnants of a past they will not allow the death of.