Just Disciplined, Says Chandigarh Girl to PM Modi's Question on Why so Serious : Rashtra News #Disciplined #Chandigarh #Girl #Modis #Question Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday interacted with the winners of Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP), through video conferencing. Engaging in a free-flowing conversation with young achievers, the PM talked to the children
Aditi TandonNew Delhi, January 24Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday held a freewheeling discussion with the winners of National Child Awards, 2022, asking them about their dreams, inspirations and
Chandigarh, January 24It was a proud moment for 12- year old Tarushi Gaur, a student of The British School, Panchkula, to be awarded the Pradhan Mantri Bal Shakti Award for excelling in taekwondo. She